ASSP Hawaii Chapter Elections

It is that time for Executive Committee elections for the upcoming membership year. We are soliciting nominations to the ballot for the following positions:

  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Member at Large
  • Advisory Group Member (2 people)

It is suggested that interested persons review the position statements, so you know fully what you are running for and what is expected from the position.  Here’s a link to review the positions:

If you are interested in running for one of these positions, please send the following items to Rob McCarthy at the following email address no later than 15 February 2025.

  • Short 1 page Biography
  • Platform Statement
  • Headshot Picture

The ballot will be compiled and be sent out in mid-March to all members of the Chapter for a vote.  Please consider running for a position as it is good to have new people join the executive committee. EC members are required to be a professional member of ASSP and those desiring to run for Vice President are recommended to have served in some capacity previously within the chapter.

Want to Be Involved But Not for an Elected Position?

We have plenty of voluntary appointed positions available! If you’re eager to contribute but not ready for an elected role, this is the perfect opportunity for you. We’re always looking for back-ups for current positions, allowing you to learn the ropes without the full responsibility—yet!

Get involved, gain experience, and see how things work behind the scenes. Let us know if you’re interested!

Become a Leader!

Take the next step in your career and build valuable leadership skills. As a leader, you’ll have access to free training, expand your network, and gain skills that will benefit you throughout your professional journey. Join a dynamic and innovative team that thrives on fresh ideas and encourages your active participation. We’d love to have you onboard!