The Hawaii Chapter EHS Well Done Award recognizes people for specific actions to enhance, promote, or protect people, property, and the environment.
Eligibility and Selection
- Any member of the ASSP HI chapter can nominate an individual(s) using the online submission form on the ASSP HI webpage.
- The nominee does not have to be a member of ASSP.
- The nominee may have other primary job duties beyond EHS.
- The Awards and Honors Committee will receive and forward the nomination to the Executive Committee.
- The ASSP HI Executive Committee will review the nominations monthly.
- Each nomination will be evaluated on the following criteria.
- How difficult was this to achieve or outside their regular duties?
- What obstacles did they overcome to complete this project successfully?
- How did it enhance EHS performance in their organization?
- What effect did their action have on the operations of their organization?
- Did the action have an effect outside their organization?
- How many people were safeguarded?
- Was the action proactive?
- Was there any personal/professional risk involved?
- Was the action innovative or something new to the organization?
- Nominee submissions are approved through a majority consensus of the EC members.
- Successful nominations will be recognized at the ASSP HI Chapter General Membership meeting with a certificate of recognition.
- Nominee attendance is required, and supervisor attendance is strongly encouraged.
Submit Your Nominee