Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Well Done Award

The Hawaii Chapter EHS Well Done Award recognizes people for specific actions to enhance, promote, or protect people, property, and the environment.

Eligibility and Selection

  1. Any member of the ASSP HI chapter can nominate an individual(s) using the online submission form on the ASSP HI webpage.
  2. The nominee does not have to be a member of ASSP.
  3. The nominee may have other primary job duties beyond EHS.
  4. The Awards and Honors Committee will receive and forward the nomination to the Executive Committee.
  5. The ASSP HI Executive Committee will review the nominations monthly.
  6. Each nomination will be evaluated on the following criteria.
    • How difficult was this to achieve or outside their regular duties?
    • What obstacles did they overcome to complete this project successfully?
    • How did it enhance EHS performance in their organization?
    • What effect did their action have on the operations of their organization?
    • Did the action have an effect outside their organization?
    • How many people were safeguarded?
    • Was the action proactive?
    • Was there any personal/professional risk involved?
    • Was the action innovative or something new to the organization?
  7. Nominee submissions are approved through a majority consensus of the EC members.


  1. Successful nominations will be recognized at the ASSP HI Chapter General Membership meeting with a certificate of recognition.
  2. Nominee attendance is required, and supervisor attendance is strongly encouraged.

Submit Your Nominee

    Nominee Name

    Nominee Title

    Nominee Organization

    Nominee Email

    Briefly describe nominee's current or recent ASSP activities.

    Nominee Qualifications

    On no more than 9 (maximum) double-spaced typewritten pages, describe the nominee's qualifications for this award according to the criteria on the informational flyer. Both this form and the statement, together with the superior's endorsement form and statement, position description, the nominee's one to three-page resume, and a color photo, must be submitted at the same time. Submit the petition electronically as a .pdf file, with photo. Applications not meeting these requirements will be evaluated accordingly.

    As the sponsoring individual, I have reviewed the petition and believe all statements to be accurate, and a faithful reflection of the nominee's safety activities in the Society, for an employer and in the community.

    Sponsor Name

    Sponsor Title

    Sponsor Organization

    Sponsor Email